Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Laura and Friends

Last Thursday Laura Grabau, a UK student who is studying in Quito for the semester, came to Santo Domingo with three other US college students to volunteer at the clinic and CRN during their spring break. The Hombro clinic was closed for Good Friday, so the six of us gave the reception and waiting area a new coat of paint and some of the girls got started on setting up a better filing system for patient charts. By the time the students leave tomorrow this latter job will be complete - a huge accomplishment which would have taken the staff weeks or months to get done. The picture shows Rich and the workers after the painting was finished, all holding their "good patient" award stickers. Laura is furthest on the left.

We took the group out to the Tsachila festival (previous post) and to the Easter vigil service at the Agnus Dei monastic community, a liturgy beginning with the traditional fire at 3:30 a.m.(!) None of the girls is Catholic, but they will never forget this Easter, I am sure.

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Christ the King Habitat team visitors

Christ the King Habitat team visitors
When the Habitat For Humanity team from Christ the King was in Santo Domingo doing a build across town, the medical professionals in the group took a couple of hours off to visit the Hombro clinic and meet the staff there.

Julio Jaramillo School

Julio Jaramillo School
This elementary school is a couple of blocks from the Hombro clinic; its students are among the many who came for pre-school physical exams, required by the state.

At Santo Domingo's Botanical Garden

At Santo Domingo's Botanical Garden
About the only place of natural beauty in Santo Domingo (other than the Catholic University campus and a few private homes) is the botanical garden. This little guy had just helped himself to a piece of carrot from somebody's hand.

Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei
This is the chapel in the Agnus Dei religious community, where we attended a 3:00 a.m.(!) Easter vigil/sunrise service. There were about 40 people in attendance. The music was exquisite.

In-kind payment for Leonardo Oviedo's cardiology services