The place where I am spending most of my time, and where Rich works in an outpatient clinic two mornings a week, is a rehabilitation center for malnourished children. There are inpatient rooms to accommodate families from outside the area (there is no geographical service boundary), but most of the children come with their mothers each morning to the center, where they receive five high-nutrition meals and the mothers get instruction on nutrition-related topics and parenting in general.
The CRN is one of many projects sponsored by FASCA (Fundacion Accion Social Caritas), the local Catholic social-services agency. The nutrition center began more than 20 years ago, and has grown from a small effort housed in a few rooms in a diocesan office building into the current complex, which was built about ten years ago with funds from several international aid organizations and private philanthropists. Although the physical facility is large and the kitchen is impressive, there is a crying need for equipment, toys and programs for the children.
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