Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Centro Recuperacion Nutricional

The place where I am spending most of my time, and where Rich works in an outpatient clinic two mornings a week, is a rehabilitation center for malnourished children. There are inpatient rooms to accommodate families from outside the area (there is no geographical service boundary), but most of the children come with their mothers each morning to the center, where they receive five high-nutrition meals and the mothers get instruction on nutrition-related topics and parenting in general.

The CRN is one of many projects sponsored by FASCA (Fundacion Accion Social Caritas), the local Catholic social-services agency. The nutrition center began more than 20 years ago, and has grown from a small effort housed in a few rooms in a diocesan office building into the current complex, which was built about ten years ago with funds from several international aid organizations and private philanthropists. Although the physical facility is large and the kitchen is impressive, there is a crying need for equipment, toys and programs for the children.

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Christ the King Habitat team visitors

Christ the King Habitat team visitors
When the Habitat For Humanity team from Christ the King was in Santo Domingo doing a build across town, the medical professionals in the group took a couple of hours off to visit the Hombro clinic and meet the staff there.

Julio Jaramillo School

Julio Jaramillo School
This elementary school is a couple of blocks from the Hombro clinic; its students are among the many who came for pre-school physical exams, required by the state.

At Santo Domingo's Botanical Garden

At Santo Domingo's Botanical Garden
About the only place of natural beauty in Santo Domingo (other than the Catholic University campus and a few private homes) is the botanical garden. This little guy had just helped himself to a piece of carrot from somebody's hand.

Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei
This is the chapel in the Agnus Dei religious community, where we attended a 3:00 a.m.(!) Easter vigil/sunrise service. There were about 40 people in attendance. The music was exquisite.

In-kind payment for Leonardo Oviedo's cardiology services